Yeah, how stupid do they think we are?
by Jason 12-Jul-2001 10:58 AM

I haven't read the details you mentioned but I
have read quite a bit of the actual plan.  They
emphasize domestic exploration and site our need to
reduce foreign dependence.  However, they (Cheney)
are also honest in saying that this domestic
exploration will not be significant enough to lower
gas prices or significantly reduce foreign imports.
 My question is, who benifits if not us?  the truth
is that if just the SUV's on our roads right now
got 2 mpg more than they do now, we would more than
save all the oil that is projected to be pulled
from the ANWR. No one can honestly say that
conservation doesn't make a difference.  Another
funny thing is the plan  pledges 90 million for
alternative energy research.  While, at the same
time the Bush budget calls for a cut of 180 million
in alternative energy research funds.  I am no math
wiz but isn't that actually a reduction in research
funds while trying to sound like the good guy. 
There was a study just released by the Nationa
Academy of Science which found that we have the
technology and infactructure NOW to meet  40% of
our domestic power needs with alternative energy
sources such as wind, solar, geo-thermal, wave,
bio-mass and fuel-cell.  Yet, at the same time, the
"Energy Plan" says that such tehnologies  do not
yet exist and are at the least, 10 years off.
Personally, I believe the science and not the
"Energy Plan" clearly crafted by the oil industry. 
Yeah, we will probably always need oil.  At the
least, it will be a reality for the rest of my
life.  As of yet, their is no alternative base
material for plastics which dominate everything in
our lives.  However, we need to use our
imaginations and determination to improve our lives
by making a new path, not just following the same
old, well worn path.

Just some ramboling,


Any thoughts on the GOP's energy plan proposal? 

The following is quoted from the AP:  "House
Republicans have drafted a national energy bill
that would require the Interior Department to
survey all national wildlife refuges, national
forests and marine sanctuaries for oil, gas and
coal deposits."   

According to the AP, the plan "would not allow
mining or drilling in wilderness areas or
parks, but would open all other public lands for
exploration, including national conservation
national forests and RIVERS THAT ARE DESIGNATED

This is only part of the plan.  See your local
newspaper for more details. 
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RE: Yeah, how stupid do they think we are? - by Todd 14-Jul-2001 08:14 PM

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