RE: Looking for a trip for Saturday
by McHolehog 21-Mar-2002 09:15 PM

Steve, others;
Boating Sat is definite. Some (Natty) mentioned
the "dirty" water of the Palouse and Hangman, and 
I'll be the first to admit I'd rather paddle
clear water (easier to read, aesthetics, health,
etc.) you gotta run what's runnin'!
Upper Hangman, when above 6 feet is a real kick
through the canyon. Muddy? OH YEAH, maybe half
inch visibility!!! Kinda like paddlin' a liquid
dirt road indeed.
Recent peak was 5.8ft on the 20th. It certainly
can get up again between now and Sat if it gets
toasty warm, and rainy!!!
The Palouse I've run and it is one river that
definitely has has a personality disorder. If any 
of you haven't run it take the oppurtunity to do
so. Mostly boring except for the 2 falls in the
middle and the CL IV finish before the 185 ft
falls!! Interesting run indeed.
So, IF Hangman runs I'll be up for that on SAT,
poss Sunday.
Email if interested.

Steve wrote:
"I'm looking to run something other than the
ol' Spokane this weekend. Anyone up for the
Palouse? Upper Hangman? the Kootenai? anything
else Class III or above?  

Let me know!
(509)990-2397 or
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